Digestive Health and Estrogen Connection

Hey Friends!

How is your digestive health? Are you bloated, gassy or just sluggish and tired feeling after meals? Could your impaired digestion be affecting your hormones!?


Let’s first talk about what a well functioning digestive system looks like! We ingest foods, chew them thoroughly (this is the first step of digestion) and swallow. Our food passes through the esophagus and ends up in the stomach where the chemical process of digestion is happening and the mechanical process continues (that stomach is CHURNING your food in addition to chemically breaking it down). This acid primarily breaks down the protein containing foods and eventually food is dumped into the small intestine where it is further broken down with the help of secretions from the pancreas and liver. The walls of the small intestine absorb nutrients into the bloodstream and they are delivered through the blood to cells throughout the body. Once food matter ends up in the colon, you are left with waste, undigested food matter and water. This is where water and any remaining nutrients are absorbed, and you end up with a solid stool (hopefully) that waits to be expelled. In this process our friendly gut bacteria gets a meal from fiber in the stool, encouraging a healthy gut microbiome! NOT TO MENTION, if you’re consuming probiotic rich foods, that ALREADY have this “good” bacteria present, they can join the party!


Your food isn’t being digested efficiently. Are you not chewing thoroughly, underproducing stomach acid (which, by the way, is super common, especially when you’re under stress), eating on the go or diluting those precious stomach acid secretions by drinking a lot of water with your meal? These are all factors that can influence your body’s ability to properly break down food, can you say HELLLOOOO gas and bloating!

SO, your food ends up in your colon not broken down properly. Not only are you missing out on beneficial nutrients that YOU NEED, but now you’re feeding those “bad” bacteria in the colon, including that pesky yeast Candida albicans. These bacteria and yeasts thrive on undigested food in the colon, especially simple carbohydrates. If you’re finding yourself CRAVING something sweet after a meal, it is an indication that your gut bacteria is off.


Could you IMAGINE that your PMS symptoms could be rooted in your gut? PMS symptoms can be linked to the effect of high, unopposed estrogen. The gut microbiome plays a role in the regulation of estrogen, and when this becomes imbalanced, there is increased risk of estrogen related diseases like



Breast Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Microbes in the colon (especially that pesky yeast, Candida) can synthesize estrogen-like substances. They can also deconjugate estrogens targeted for removal from the body, recirculating them. This is a factor in Estrogen Dominance, which affects 80% of women over 35, and can contribute to symptoms like;

Bloating, Puffiness, Water Retention

Heavy Bleeding or Postmenopausal Bleeding

Rapid Weight Gain, Particularly around the Hips and Butt

Increased Bra Cup Size, or Breast Tenderness


Painful Periods

Moodswings, PMS, Depression, Irritability


Headaches and/ or Migraines

Brain Fog


Gallbladder Problems

Flushed Face

If you’ve been suffering with hormonal imbalances, take a look at the gut! The connection is stronger than you think!

Let’s work 1-on-1 to get your gut health to where it should be! book a free 30-minute discovery call using the calendar below!


Gottfried, S. (2014). The hormone cure: Reclaim balance, sleep, and sex drive ; lose weight, feel focused, vital, and energized naturally with the Gottfried Protocol. New York: Scribner.


The Importance of Acid- Alkaline Balance


Healing with Nature